InDesign provides support for the EPUB 2 section in the OPF file. InDesign automatically detects the cover and the print Table Of Contents option. To determine the text type, InDesign uses the epub:type values specified in the Object Export Options dialog.
InDesign creates a single .epub file containing the XHTML-based content. To view the file, you need an EPUB reader. You can also use the Adobe Digital Editions reader, that you can download free from the Adobe website.
The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe Epub File
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The exported .epub file can include a cover image. You can select an image to be used as the cover. Alternatively, you can allow InDesign to rasterize the first page in the exported document or the style source document or the exported book. The thumbnail is displayed in the EPUB readers or the Digital Editions Reader library view. 2ff7e9595c